vox23's profil



Red Deer, Alberta

Medlem siden January 6, 2011

"It's been one Hell of a journey so far! Almost there..."

Om mig

I never realized how much I let myself go until my 5 yr old son actually told me I was fat. After many tears, and some self-realization, I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of being overweight, tired of shopping at the plus size store, tired of being too tired to play with my kids, and most of all, I needed something to boost my self-worth, so my weight loss journey began. UPDATE: So, the short and long of it is that a career change and a new relationship (the love of my life!) took me off track. I'm back on to get back to the goal that I KNOW I can accomplish.

Grunden til, at jeg gerne vil i form:

To not be the fat friend anymore - check! To wear that cute little black dress - Bought a dress today! Woot (june 4/2012) To be an example to my children - check! To live a long and fulfilling and HEALTHY life - every day is a good one!

Mine inspirationskilder

  • My children
  • That cute little black dress

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