Profilo di Abi_bug04



Fenton, MI

Membro dal May 15, 2012

"I'm stronger than I have ever realized."

Informazioni su di me:

Starting weight: 230 lbs (June 1st/ 2015) Goal weight: 160 lbs Mini-goals= [X] Run 1 mile without breaks (August 2014) [ ] 12:00 mile [ ] Reach 200 lbs [ ] 11:00 mile [ ] Reach 190 lbs [ ] 10:00 mile [X] Run an official 5k (August 2014) [ ] Fit in a size 12 again [ ] Reach 180 [ ] Reach 178 lbs (lowest weight ever!!) [ ] 9:00 mile [ ] Fit in a size 10 (never been this size!) [ ] Reach 170 lbs [ ] Reach 165 lbs [ ] Run a 10k [ ] Fit in a size 8 [ ] Reach 160 lbs [ ] Run a half marathon [ ] 8:00 mile [ ] REACH 160 (goal weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) [ ] Run a MARATHON! I am a 25 year old, who has struggled with her weight for a long time. In all of my adult life, I have never been thin, though I had always fooled myself into thinking I was fit...and at over 200 lbs, I was living in denial for over 6 years. Much of my weight gain was during the start of college, when I put on 30 lbs in my freshmen year and clocked in at my highest weight of 215 lbs. two years later, sick of being fat and feeling unhappy and uncomfortable in my own skin, I lost 37 lbs in 2 months due to a burst in motivation and self discipline during my summer off...reaching my lowest adult weight of 178 lbs. Unfortunately, my 2-a-day workout schedule was impossible to maintain during school, and I began to YO-YO, mostly sitting around 190 lbs for the next few years. I had always been fairly active, and enjoyed playing rugby most of all, so I decided to take it up again (after 4 years off). During my first season back, weighing 207 lbs, I was desperately in need of a change, so I had decided that I was on a mission to lose 47 lbs and finally be the size I wanted to be. Unfortunately, one week into my mission (and after losing 7 lbs in my initial week) I completely tore my ACL (during rugby practice) and was on crutches for 2 weeks. This derailed my plans, and was a huge blow to my motivation...and also led to me passing my highest weight (after putting on 15 lbs in two months after ACL reconstruction surgery). Seeing this number (218) was another huge blow...and this time, I decided, that instead of feeling sorry for myself- I would use it as an obstacle to overcome to reach my goals. So I started working very hard at losing weight. I was almost 30 lbs down, feeling really fantastic, and also had my knee strength almost to 95% so I started playing rugby again- which made me happier than I could imagine. I was loving it so much, I was below 193 lbs consistently, and extremely happy- UNTIL- I tore my other acl (the one on my good knee) due to an extremely unfortunate stroke of bad luck during rugby practice. This was extremely depressing, as I had been bested by the same injury twice. And what was worse- was that this injury was a lot more troublesome to recover from, as there was more damage than my last one. Now I am almost 1.5 years post ACL surgery #2, in plenty of knee pain regularly, and up to 227 lbs. I also had to redo my MFP profile, and erase all of my previously accomplished milestones and goals, because none of them would be applicable anymore. Instead of just crawling into a hole, and giving up on ever being happy and active again, I will take this as just another obstacle I need to overcome in order to lose this weight once and for all. It will be much slower and harder this time, but I am a pretty strong lady- so I definitely know I can do it. This is my new journey, starting over from the beginning. Nothing from before will matter- what matters is what I am going to do now- on this journey to finally get over the unfortunate incidents that led me to this point, and to not let ANY excuses hold me back. I want to be able to run again, I want to be able to feel strong again, and I want to be able to overcome this set of obstacles and prove to everyone (especially myself) that I am not letting anything stop me from achieving my goals. So...slowly but surely, I will be inching my way towards my goal weight of 155 lbs...and I'm not going to make any excuses for myself! This time, it's for good.

Perché voglio tornare in forma:

More than anything, I want to be happy and comfortable in my own skin! I want to look like on the outside, what I feel like on the inside! And I especially want to be a good and healthy example for the rest of my family to follow suit!

Le mie ispirazioni

  • Running a 5k with my little brother. He always believes in me, without fail!
  • My love, who is supportive in everything that I do and loves me for who I am.
  • Me...because it's about time that I believe in myself!


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