temp666777 님의 프로필



September 29, 2011 가입 회원


내 정보

I often "un-friend" all my friends - purely because I'm busy at work. If I "un-friend" you it's just that we're on a big job that month! Cheers Last year was my year of losing a lot of weight. This year I'm losing the last few KG. I follow the system of Dr. Wolfgang Lutz, which, in my opinion, is the most advanced scientific thinking on human food matters. In German-speaking countries, Dr. Lutz is perhaps the best-known writer on dietary matters.

좋은 몸을 만들고 싶은 이유:

Because I have to support the kids for another 15 years.

좋은 아이디어

  • Dr. Lutz


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