kaylangrandorff 님의 프로필



Rochester, WA

March 9, 2013 가입 회원

"Swimmer with a passion!!!"

내 정보

Growing up I have always been on the heavier side of the scale. Since I got hired as a lifeguard/swim instructor life has been different. My energy level has gone up. I have found myself losing inches. Over the past year I have worked my butt off, which is still not fully formed how I want it lol. I have noticed that since I have started to lose weight and gain muscle life has been a bit less stressful, just a bit. When I first joined MyFitness Pal it helped, then I fell into old habits and quite using this app. I got back on the band wagon again, fell off again. This happened more times then I can count. It was me not being disciplined enough to keep up with a great tool. I am back and plan on staying.

좋은 몸을 만들고 싶은 이유:

I want to better my health and lead by example to those who need and want to do the same. Portion control is one of the main reasons why I am using MyFitness Pal. Seeing how much you eat and what you eat will kick you in the behind, in a bad way. When you cut that all in half and choose fresh over processed and log it you will see a difference in your eating habits and your weight loss. Just takes discipline and a great support system.

좋은 아이디어

  • Back in the pool Swimming
  • Wanting to exercise my new found energy
  • I want to be proud of the woman that I am when I look in the mirror.

최근 활동

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