jaxiet 님의 프로필



Sherman Oaks, CA

January 3, 2013 가입 회원

"Mad Madam Mim"

내 정보

My name is Jackie and I am a 30 something living in LA. In September of 2016 I went under the knife for VSG surgery. It has completely changing my life for the better. Never in my life did I think it would hard to GET enough calories in. Trying to be accountable for everything I consume. I get a ton of support from my close friends, BF and family but I need all the encouragement I can get. Helping others helps me too.

좋은 몸을 만들고 싶은 이유:

A lot of my reasons to get in shape are health related but let's not lie here. It's also for the fashion! I have been overweight my entire life so I am ready to beat the odds with the help of my new tool.

좋은 아이디어

  • Starting a family.
  • Sharing clothes with my friends.
  • Helping my future self from weight related disease.

최근 활동

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