GreenValli 님의 프로필




San Diego, CA

July 18, 2014 가입 회원

"Determined to lose weight and continue to be as healthy as possible."

내 정보

It had taken me 4 years to lose 25 pounds, but I still had a long way to go and needed something else to get me motivated. MFP is the help I needed to get back on track and lose more. I find that I am losing but VERY slowly. But now have lost 57 pounds. I have been married for 44 years, have two grown daughters, a great son-in-law and 2 adorable grandchildren. We all live in the same city now and life is so good being close geographically.

좋은 몸을 만들고 싶은 이유:

To lessen the stress on my knees and feet. To fit into smaller clothes. To feel lighter and look better in the mirror.

좋은 아이디어

  • My youngest daughter is also losing and being a great example.
  • Finding a box of pants that I have not worn in over 10 years.
  • I can wear all of them now.

최근 활동

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