toricatjr's profile



Orlando, FL

Member since July 3, 2011

"The Memoirs of a Yo-Yo Dieter"

About Me:

I've been on a diet my whole life. No, I mean that quite literally. I've been chunky since first grade and my doctor encouraged my mother to limit my sugar intake. Despite that, I was over 160 pounds by fifth grade. In high school, I tipped the scales at 214. I've tried every diet in the world - Atkins, low-calorie, low-fat, Southbeach, etc. And none of them worked. Why? Too restrictive. Unrealistic. I started to lose weight in college for two reasons: 1.) I was poor, so I couldn't afford to buy "luxury" food items very often. [e.g. candy, chocolate, ice cream - the non-necessities.] 2.) I wanted to be healthy. It was when I stopped trying and started to live my life in a healthy and holistic way that I finally got control of the scale. Now to shake those last 15 lbs!

Why I want to get in shape:

I've never seen myself have a flat stomach. If only for a short period, I'd like to see that once in my life.

My Inspirations

  • Longterm health and wellness.

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