tony56pr's profile



Yale, OK

Member since May 21, 2013

"It is never too late to change your life."

About Me:

I joined my fitness pal to help me track my calories and to help me understand how many calories I needed. Diet though has been low carb, though the last few weeks I've upped my carbs a little with sweet potatoes and little bit of rice. Gluten causes issues, that thanks to the diet I started I figured out. I've always been a heavy set kind of person, been over 200 pounds since I was 16 or so. I always made excuses like I'm "not really fat" "I just got a belly" etc... At my heaviest, I weighed 295+ pounds, I had a 57" waist, my belly protruded 5 1/2" out . I wore my 38" jeans well below my waist and they were tight, but I was still in 38's. Not to mention I hadn't worked out/exercised for 20 years. My blood pressure was usually at least 135/85 sometimes higher, my pulse was usually 80 bpm, and this was at rest. In mid/late August of 2013 my mom found out she had cancer, and she did not want to go through treatments. One day she mentioned how she wished I'd do something about my weight and well, we made a deal, I'd lose the weight and she'd go through the chemo/radiation. This was the catalyst that got me going on my weight lose journey. I now weigh 188 pounds, over 100 pounds lost and I'm still working towards my overall goal of reaching 10% bf and getting myself into the best shape of my life. I train 5 days a week, conditioning and strength training along with eating the best I can.

Why I want to get in shape:

My kids, I want to be here for them. My mom and the fact that I have to up hold my end of the bargain. She is now cancer free.

My Inspirations

I haven't filled this out yet.

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