stef_monster's profile



Knoxville, TN

Member since July 14, 2012

About Me:

Where to start? My bio-dad's side of the family has a ton of possibly weight-related illnesses. I've always been health and weight conscious, but I'm feeling the need to step it up lately. The pounds sneak up on me really quickly now. I started dieting (if you call paying attention to what you put in your mouth dieting) when I was about 16 or 17. Mostly all I paid attention to back then was fat intake. Cutting back on fat helped me lose a ton of weight back in the day, and I've done it successfully several times since. I'm eager to see how watching calories, protein, AND fat affects my weight. In May I started on the depo-provera shot, which has turned my stomach into a bottomless pit. I'm hoping that particular side effect eventually wears off. In the meantime, MFP will remind me that I actually HAVE eaten, even though it doesn't feel like it. Due to one of the shot's more unfortunate side effects, I also have to pay closer attention to my calcium intake (I take a multivitamin and a separate calcium supplement). I was so elated to find out that MFP lets you track whatever nutrients you want. MFP is also a big help in the exercise department. I had terrible asthma as a kid, and still suffer the occasional bout of it during respiratory infections. I wasn't able to play sports at all. Now that I've mostly grown out of it, running is my favorite exercise. I used to love using ellipticals and arc trainers, but running outside just feels so much better. The real reason I joined MFP is organization. I can access this website from work (or anywhere else, for that matter), and that makes it a lot easier than carrying around a notebook. I love how quick and easy it is.

Why I want to get in shape:

To look good naked, of course! I feel better about myself when I've got my diet and exercise routine under control. I sleep better when I'm active and on a healthy diet. I want to be able to run and play outside with my nephews when they're old enough to do so, and I want to be fit enough to give them a run for their money even when they're in middle and high school. I want to reach my goal and maintain it for life. I want to not only 'fit into' my skinny skirts, but look damn good in them.

My Inspirations

  • Staying healthier later in life
  • Stop having jiggly bits
  • Feeling confident and looking great
  • Endorphins

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