ThePoeToaster's profile



Garden City, VA

Member since December 8, 2014

"Cosmos Mariner...Destination Unknown"

About Me:

I love me some friend requests, but if you send one, give me a fekking reason, capiche? I am a former professional actor (AEA, SAG, AFTRA), who re-entered the real world as a technical writer. I love Hendrick's gin and Q tonic. If you're gonna drink a gin & tonic, drink a good one. I love finding dive restaurants that have great burgers. I would love to travel around the country documenting the best dive joints. I love the Harry Potter books. Wrote my Masters thesis on them. I love the sport of triathlon. I want to be the first (to my knowledge) transplant recipient to participate in the Ironman. I love traveling, especially to Ireland, Italy, England, Scotland, and Greece. France is on the horizon. I hate tofu. Whoever invented it needs to be drawn and quartered in the city square. I hate driving at night. Cannot stand it. Would rather visit an all-night dentist.

Why I want to get in shape:

For me, a healthy lifestyle is, literally, a matter of life or death. I don't have the luxury of sitting on my ass procrastinating about getting fit. I can't make excuses, have "stops and starts", or any of the other hundred excuses I see people have on this site.

My Inspirations

I haven't filled this out yet.


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