dellrio's profile



Cimarron Hills, CO

Member since April 5, 2012

"Getting in the best shape of my life."

About Me:

Hello My name is Nick - I live in Grimes/Johnston, IA (i'm right on the line) and am 29 years old. I have two jobs, work for Metlife as a business consultant, and on the weekends I work at Seven Oaks recreation as a ski/snowboard instructor and canoe/kayak river assistant. My passion in life is snowboarding, I have been riding for 18 years, and hope to continue until I die. In life my main focus is always to have fun, I enjoy snowboarding, skiing, canoeing, kayaking, camping, rock climbing, freebording, walking my dog (mini-eskie), golfing, riding my motorcycle, gardening, cooking, and dancing to electronic music at shows. I am always looking to try new things and experiences, and love life. I am mostly vegetarian so I have a pretty good diet, but love trying new foods. I am also always looking to meet good new people - add me as a friend or send me a message if you want - if you want to know more look me up on Facebook -

Why I want to get in shape:

My main reason for getting into shape is to improve my snowboarding ability and endurance. Also because life is too short to sit in front of a television, and when I have free time, working out is better than TV. I also want to look and feel better.

My Inspirations

  • Boredom
  • Desire for a new challenge

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